Online Test for Hair Pulling

How Severe is Your Hair Pulling Disorder? Find Out With This Free Online Test

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Joseph A. Parisi, Ph.D.

517 S. Sharon Amity Road Suite 105, Charlotte, NC 28211


Credentials and degrees:

Dr. Parisi received a Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology in 1977 from the California School of Professional Psychology. He established and has maintained a private practice in Charlotte, NC since 1979. Dr. Parisi developed and became the Director of the Anxiety Disorders at Charter Pines Hospital in 1985. From 1986 through 1990 he was the Director of Psychology for the hospital. From 1991 through 2004 Dr. Parisi was the Director of Psychology and Behavioral Medicine at Presbyterian Hospital. At Presbyterian Hospital Dr. Parisi established the Center for Mind-Body Health and co-founded the Center for Integrative Medicine. Dr. Parisi is a member of the American Psychological Association, the North Carolina Psychological Association and the National Register of Health Service Providers in Psychology.


Dr. Parisi is a clinical psychologist with over 35 years of experience. He provides psychological services to individuals, couples, groups and families who are struggling with emotional disorders and problems in living. He is committed to providing effective care in a supportive and compassionate manner while highly protecting clients' confidentiality.

Treatment methods:

General Psychotherapy - individual, group, family and marital therapy for clients suffering from anxiety, stress, trauma, depression and problems in living.
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy - specialized treatment for generalized anxiety, panic disorders, phobias, depression, obsessive
compulsive disorders, post-traumatic stress syndrome, trichotillomania (hair pulling) and dermatillomania (skin picking).
Integrative Psychotherapy - treatment emphasizing the unity of the mind/body/spirit by combining alternative medicine interventions such as meditation, hypnosis, acupressure and mindfulness training with traditional psychotherapy.

Start your journey with TrichStop

Take control of your life and find freedom from hair pulling through professional therapy and evidence-based behavioral techniques.

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