Keeping Trich Hair Healthy

Tasneem Abrahams
Feb 21st, 2015

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Compulsive hair pulling can lead to baldness or hair thinning, which has a negative impact on an individual's self esteem. This is particularly true for woman who are expected to match societal expectations of having a full head of beautiful hair. Many trichotillomania sufferers find that the disorder leads to them socially isolating themselves due to the shame and guilt associated with the behaviour, and the embarassment about the appearance of balding spots. In addition to this, the lack of awareness of compulsive hair pulling as a clinical condition means that most people do not seek help or support and therefore struggle with this condition on their own. However there is hope for those with trichotillomania, with a variety of treatment options available. However learning to manage trichotillomania is an ongoing challenge that requires long term commitment and persistence. It is really tough to remain motivated when there is no tangible evidence of your efforts. It is therefore important for trich sufferers to try to keep hair as healthy as possible while working at overcoming this disorder.

Here are some ways to keep your hair healthy:


Trichotillomania and other BFRBs are some of the most under-diagnosed mental disorders due to the lack of awareness that these are recognized clinical conditions. As a result many people with trichotillomania deny that they have a serious problem. However, without acceptance that you have this condition, there’s no reason for you to seek medical help. Acceptance also opens you up to more options available for hair loss. Coming to terms with your disorder and its impact on your hair will allow you to explore options relating to your problem more openly. Experts in the field of hair loss, such as trichologists will better be able to assist you achieve aims of beautiful hair if they are aware what is causing the problem. But of course this requires you to not feel ashamed by your disorder but rather embrace it as something you are experiencing.

Use a rejuvenating oil

It replenishes and strengthens your hair. Before you blow-dry your hair, you should apply it to avoid further damage to your hair.

Don’t comb your wet hair

Wet hair stretches and breaks easily because of the extra weight in it. However, if combing on wet hair is necessary, you should consider using a detangling brush. It causes less tension and it eliminates tangles from wet hair safely.

Have a regular trim

A regular trim of every six weeks is important in keeping your hair healthy, despite your hair-pulling disorder. This can prevent further occurrence of split ends. This will also encourage proper hair growth and get rid of the damaged hair caused by hair pulling.

Opt for the right products

There are many hair products on the market but only a few of them will suit your hair type. Hence, it’s critical to find a shampoo and a conditioner that fit your hair. Make sure that you choose a product that strengthens and moisturizes your hair. It’s also ideal to use a product that contains vitamins E and C, as well as biotin so that your locks will look at their best. Natural products are also best as it is best to avoid using strong chemical on damaged hair. There are a number of brands like Lush products that have a specialist range for stimulating follicle growth.

Avoid using shampoo often

Shampooing can lead to further hair damage. Thus, you must avoid applying it every day. Overuse of shampoo can strip the oils in the scalp and hair, which will cause further loss of moisture in your locks. However if you do have very oily hair that needs to be washed, you should opt for more natural products as described in the point above.

Take vitamin E

You may take it orally or apply it directly to your hair. This type of vitamin is known for its ability to maintain hair health. If you’ll be using the oil, you should directly apply it to the ends of your hair. This will strengthen and avoid split ends.

Cover up with a hairpiece

While waiting for your hair to repair itself, you may use a wig to enhance your crowning glory. It immediately disguises thinning hair while covering up the bald spots.

Use a good moisterizing hair mask

And don’ forget to use a moisturizing hair mask to revitalize hair and restore its natural shine.

Tasneem Abrahams


Tasneem is an Occupational Therapist, and a graduate of the TLC foundation for BFRBs professional training institute. Her experience in mental health includes working at Lentegeur Psychiatric hospital forensic unit (South Africa), Kingston Community Adult Learning Disability team (UK), Clinical Specialist for the Oasis Project Spelthorne Community Mental Health team (UK). Tasneem is a member of both the editorial team and the clinical staff on TrichStop, providing online therapy for people who suffer from Trichotillomania and other BFRBs.

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