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Ingrowing eyelashes
Ingrowing eyelashes
Hello this is my first post sorry if this has been asked and answered before I have been pulling my hair since I was very young and have spells of recovery and then fall back into it, this time it has been going on very long and at one point last year I had not a single eyelash on my upper or lower lids. the problem I’m having now is as they are growing back they not only seem to be growing out sidewards but almost as if they are growing under the skin, Like an ingrown hair which I’ve had on my legs from shaving for example. The direction of the graph is causing me more issues as even if I don’t want to pull they are in my line of vision or just look so hard I feel I have to pull it out. When I googled about it it showed about a condition where they grow inwards towards the eyeball this is not what I mean the lashes are growing out and either growing downwards pointing towards my cheeks on my upper lids or on the lower lid growing across the waterline if that makes sense. has anybody experienced this and did it correct itself and any tips thank you
Hello Lousteel147,,
Thank you for sharing your experience so honestly. While I haven’t experienced this personally, I can imagine how frustrating and challenging it must feel to go through these ups and downs, especially with the discomfort of the regrowth you’re describing. It even sounds painful.
You’re definitely not alone in this, and I’m sure others in the community can relate and may have some advice to share with you.
It’s great that you’re reaching out, and hopefully, you’ll hear from others who have faced something similar and can offer their insights.
If you ever need additional support or just want to talk more, we’re here for you.
Wishing you all the best.