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will it help if I cut my hair short
I am sad that my pulling has hit full force, the worst in 50 years. My hair is long but I now have 2 large bald spots at my ears and can't pull my hair back. Has anyone pulled less once they cut long hair?
November 14, 2019
It has far from fixed the issue, but the best results I have ever gotten came when I shaved my head. Unfortunately, it was not long before I relapsed. You absolutely have to keep up with shaving and be committed to having no hair for a long while. The only way it was able to work was by physically getting rid of hair to pull. I would also recommend getting long acrylic nails -- very effective in making hair pulling more difficult. Finally, get rid of all tweezers, they only cause temptation. These are the steps I had to take to get any results, but I still pull to this day and I developed quite a problem with skin picking on my scalp. Ugh.