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macyk , 26 Jan 2014

some tricks to deal with trichotillomania

hi. i have trich and had it for last 8 years. i tried alot to stop, went to doctors, tried meds, spirituality and what not. but it just keeps coming back. so far i wan't able to completely stop, but i did find some tricks to cope.

one trick (for eyebrows) is using vaseline. put it on your eyebrows and it'll keep you from pulling for a few hours
another covering your fingers. you can wear gloves or some kind of finger covers. it also will block you from pulling. note that the thumb is the most important finger to cover!

do you also have some tips and tricks that you learned with years?

1 Answer
January 27, 2014
Hi macyk, interesting methods you describe there.
We're actually working on a comprehensive article that deals with coping methods for trich, we'll post in in the trich treatment section once ready.

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