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trickie , 29 Jan 2014

happy to have found this site


I guess I'm one of the first to participate on this discussion. I'm 33 and am pulling my hair pretty often; I only recently discovered that it's an actual disorder!?! Been doing it for years already.

From what I see on the net, many people are suffering from trich. I guess my case is not that severe, but still it bothers me alot, and I struggle with it.

Would be happy to hear other's stories...

2 Answers
February 02, 2014
Hi! You're definitely not alone with this. I too have trich, had it for last 6 years now. I'm doing therapy, which is somewhat helpful.
February 05, 2014
hi i'm new here too. i with danna on this - you're definitely not alone!

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Take control of your life and find freedom from hair pulling through professional therapy and evidence-based behavioral techniques.

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