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Parents with trich
Am a mom of a 2 year old son and I pull my hair out and can't stop. I have shaved my head 2 times and thinking about do it again I don't know if I will. I have pull for a long time since I was little like a baby my mom tried everything to help me stop some stuff work for awhile it get bad when I started High School I started pulling more so to hide it I started wearing hair clips to hold my hair in place so I got made fun of a lot cuz of my clips it help me stop pulling cuz I would wear the clips all day even at home until I went to sleep but eventually I stopped pulling so my senior year of high school I didn't have any Clips I wasn't bald it was great but when I found out that I was pregnant it started back up and I haven't been able to stop I have try all my old was to stop but nothing worked out so I shave my head but that didn't work. I just need some help with this and should I shave my head again or not I don't know what to do?