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Need help stopping!!!!
I am 26 and have been pulling since 6th grade. There are times throughout school I was able to stop, but since starting college when I was 18, I can't stop no matter how hard I try. I pull my eyelashes and eyebrows. I currently have none. I always thought it was from stress from school. However, I graduated 6 months ago and am still doing it!!! I moved out of my parents house about 7 months ago... I'm thinking maybe it's the stress and responsibilities of being on my own?
I have been trying so hard to stop but nothing works. I read that NAC and inositol vitamins help, but they haven't been working for me. Even when little baby hairs grow back, I pull them as soon as I see/feel them. I don't have insurance so I dont have a doctor to prescribe me anything. I haven't had a full set of eyebrows and eyelashes since probably high school!!!! I just want them to grow back!! I have been using RapidLash to help lashes and brows grow back. It was working at first but it seems like they take longer and longer to grow back after each pull session!
I'm just wondering if anyone has anything that has helped them stop and any regrowth serums or products to help lashes and brows grow fast. I'm just sooooo sick and tired of having to wear make up all day every day to hide it!!!! Thanks!
We are all figuratively in this together, so there is a bit of make small successes and keep on celebrating and reminding each other to post incremental successes. Meet up groups in your area might also help socialize goals.
Good luck! And as usual, I'm by no means professional advice. Just someone on here working out similar issues.
Full disclosure:
I have only been taking biotin pills and using itch creams, and biotin has helped my hair grow back quicker while the itch cream has helped somewhat remind me to keep my hands away from my hair.
Apologies again for the careless mention of minoxidil. Take care, good luck, and please keep posted on progress!