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mags18 , 19 Aug 2018

I can’t stop pulling

I’m not sure if anyone reads this or cares to read it. I’m sitting here on the brink of tears after spending hours pulling on my legs with tweezers. I pick until I’m bleeding and it only makes me want to pick more. I pull the skin on my bottoms of my feet until I bleed. I do it when I’m bored, when I’m anxious, feeling depressed, and upset.

I’ve been switched around on medications so many times now and just feel really hopeless. My legs are scabbed and scarred and even though I know I need to stop, I can’t. I feel good when I pull and when I’m done I’m ashamed of what I’ve done.

I can’t seem to get my anxiety under control and I’m worried that the new medications I’m on are just making me depressed, and so the spiral begins.

Has anyone else done the same thing to their legs and feet? If so how do you control the urge to pull and pick?

I’ve never posted on a forum like this, but I just need someone who understands..

2 Answers
August 30, 2018
I use peel off face masks on my legs. This gives me a similar sensation and also removes some tiny hairs off of my legs.
I have bought cheap face masks from Rite Aid.

Hope this helps!
August 30, 2018
I use peel off face masks on my legs. This gives me a similar sensation and also removes some tiny hairs off of my legs.
I have bought cheap face masks from Rite Aid.

Hope this helps!

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