Online Test for Hair Pulling
How Severe is Your Hair Pulling Disorder? Find Out With This Free Online Test
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Robin Zasio, Psy.D., LCSW
The Anxiety Treatment Center of Sacramento and The Cognitive Behavior Therapy Center of Sacramento (8980 Alderson Avenue, Sacamento, CA 95826)
Office: 916.366.0647 Fax: 916.487.4408
Credentials and degrees:
Licensed Clinical Psychologist and Licensed Clinical Social Worker
Dr. Robin Zasio, Psy. D., LCSW is a Licensed Clinical Psychologist and Licensed Clinical Social Worker. She has been working in the field of mental health for the past 18 years and has extensive experience in utilizing Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and Exposure and Ritual Prevention techniques while working in outpatient, and partial hospitalization programs. Dr. Zasio began working specifically with OCD and anxiety related disorders 13 years ago at which point her specialization began. After developing a private practice, she became co-owner of The Anxiety Treatment Center of Northern California. In 2005 she developed The Anxiety Treatment Center, Inc. and more recently The Cognitive Behavior Therapy Center, both located in Sacramento, CA which she currently owns and directs. Dr. Zasio has a private practice providing individual, group and family therapy services, in addition to supervising interns who are learning to treat anxiety conditions. Dr. Zasio was the President of the Sacramento Valley Psychological Association from 2003-2005. She currently remains on the board as Past President and MCEP Chair. Dr. Zasio also serves on the Scientific Advisory Board for the Obsessive Compulsive Foundation and their recently developed Speakers Bereau, and is also on the advisory board for the Sacramento Chapter of the National Alliance of the Mentally Ill. She is a member of the Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Foundation, California Psychological Association, American Psychological association, Trichotillomania Learning Center, and Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies.
Treatment methods:
Cognitive Behavior, Exposure and Response Prevention Therapy, Habit Reversal Training